VCLib Documentation  6.12.2

Data Structures

Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CBITN(FLib: Multi-Precision Arithmetic Number)
 CfeatureFeatures of Unlabelled RLC
 CftrFeatures of Labelled RLC Objects
 CHLineLine Information Returned by the Hough Line Transform With Additional Information
 CHoughControlHolds Settings for doing the Hough Line Transform
 CimageMain Structure for Describing Pixel Images
 CmomentCentralized Moments
 Cpoint2D Coordinate Point or Vector
 CSDebugDisplayData Keeper and Management for the Debug Display Output Routine
 CSNNComplete Two Layer SNN
 CSNN_datasetPattern to be the input for or output of the SNN
 CSPtrListPointer List Data Holder
 CVCBCInitBarcode Reader Parameter Settings
 CVCBCRegionBarcode Reader Result (Represents one barcode or one barcode candidate)
 CVCEdgeCfgEdge Configuration Data Holder
 Cvcline2D Line (Normal Form)
 CVCPolynom1D1D1D->1D Polynomial Representation
 CVCPolynom2D1D2D->1D Polynomial Representation
 CVCPolynom2D2D2D->2D Polynomial Representation
 CVCSFCfgSmart Finder Configuration
 CVCSFInitSmart Finder Initialisation
 CVCSFPatSmart Finder Pattern
 CVCSFResultSmart Finder Result