Bring embedded vision to your projects - video thumbnail

Bring embedded vision to your projects

All you need to know for your embedded vision design

Video: Bring embedded vision to your projects – All you need to know for your embedded vision design

Powerful embedded vision creates added value and new possibilities for many industrial products. Jan-Erik Schmitt from Vision Components demonstrates multiple ways to integrate camera technology in hardware designs. He shares the company's know-how and experience, from the invention of the first industrial-grade intelligent Camera 25 years ago to state-of-the-art MIPI camera modulesboard cameras and ready-to-use solutions.

This video was part of the webinar series inVISION TechTalks.

– History of Embedded Vision HTTPS://YOUTU.BE/SO5VRRFQLW0?T=91
– MIPI camera modules HTTPS://YOUTU.BE/SO5VRRFQLW0?T=298
– Board level cameras HTTPS://YOUTU.BE/SO5VRRFQLW0?T=598
– Ready-to-use solutions HTTPS://YOUTU.BE/SO5VRRFQLW0?T=755
– Get in touch HTTPS://YOUTU.BE/SO5VRRFQLW0?T=929

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